
Our services

Flexible arrival dates

We know how difficult it can be to plan a long-term trip. For this reason, you can modify or cancel the dates of your reservation up to 14 days before the arrival date —without additional the.

You travel by Train or Bus

We pick you up at the Gaucín Train Station or at the Gaucín Bus Stop - at no cost to you.
"The value of the simple things of natural life"
It is an exceptional inn. It is located in the middle of the mountains near a multitude of routes through the Los Alcornocales Natural Park; but if you want to completely disconnect and leave the car parked you can also do it and enjoy the environment itself by taking walks around it. Have a gardenwith a fountain and a frog pond where you can listen to the sounds of life in the middle of nature. The hosts Jose and Eva make you feel like family, they show you the neighboring farm with its animals and its organic self-consumption garden, it's like putting John Seymour's classic book "the self-sufficient horticulturist" into practice. For children it is amazing, they are the ones who best value these simple things like giving a bottle to a lamb or caressing some ducklings, collecting the eggs from the henhouse or greeting the kittens Mona, Mini and Momo every morning.
-Jesus, 03/31/21 (

For a dream vacation, all year long!

Our rooms

For........1-2-3-4 people, some with kitchen.

Guided visit to La Finca
& Farm

Our philosophy of sustainable life and Ecology

Immerse yourself in our Oasis

Enjoy the Water in any season of the year.

Routes on foot, on horseback, on your bike... and more

We put at your disposal route maps.

History, Art and Gastronomy

From the Inn a few minutes by car.

Our garden breakfast

To start the day in the best way.
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